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Thoughts for Health

Here is another blog regarding my thoughts for health.  The reason people come to see me is they are in some kind of pain, whether it is an acute problem such as a car accident, work injury or a chronic problem that has persisted for many years.  With chronic pain, people tend to assume this pain is a part of their lives since they have had it for years.  One of the first things I must get thru to the patient is that this pain they are having and are used to having is not normal.  Now, you may feel that is obvious, but for someone who has had chronic migraines for years, this is part of their daily life.  So the first thing I have to get them to acknowledge is that this pain they are experiencing can go away and they must accept the fact that pain is only an alarm system telling them that there is a problem.  Most people are taking pain medication to alleviate their pain, but in truth, this only masked the problem, creating long-term problems.  So if the patient can accept the fact that what they have been suffering from for years can actually be helped, this is the first step to recovery.

Dr. Richard J Aragon DC